also known as TVAP.
Welcome to a half-baked website I made in Microsoft FrontPage 2003. I still don't know how to properly make HTML and CSS.
Use the directory to find more about me, look at Binguses, and maybe even a voice reveal (hah, no).
If you don't want to use the directory, here's a summary about me:
I specialize in tinkering with software and doing programming as a fun little hobby, particularly in games such as Roblox and RetroStudio.
I am level 17 in life, born the same day that Halo 3 released for the Xbox 360.
I don't do that well in socializing. The tech got to me. Sorry about that.
Huge fan of Chihuahuas and a particular Sphinx cat. But mostly Chihuahuas.
I did a lot of stupid things as a kid during my time on the Internet. I am trying to move away from that.
While I am trying to move away from doing stupid things on the Internet, I occasionally still say stupid things. I apologize if I do so.
Webpage last updated
2024-10-09 14:45:06.
Happy Bingus!